Sunday, January 8, 2012

5 Months Corrected

 This past week, Veronica turned 5-months-old in terms of her corrected age and believe it or not, she is still sleeping in a bassinet, in our room.  All of our other children were sleeping in their own crib by the time they were 3 or 4-months old.  But Veronica is different and I am not quite ready to move her out.  Maybe it's because she spent 17 weeks in the NICU and I'm still trying to make up for all that time she wasn't with us.  But one of my New Year's resolutions is to move her into her own some point.   It will happen....someday, it will.  Once she can sit up on her own it won't even be safe for her to be in the bassinet, so surely by that point we will have moved her.  She still looks so darn cute, sleeping all swaddled.  As much as I want her to grow, develop and meet her milestones, part of me wants her to stay an infant.  I love this age and they just grow up too quickly. 

Other happenings in Veronica's world:
  - she still hasn't mastered rolling over.  After rolling from her stomach to back two times on New Years day, we have yet to see her do it again.
  - she currently weighs close to 16 lbs!
  - she had her third synagis shot this past week which means we are about half way through RSV season.  Hooray!!  Spring couldn't come soon enough.
  - she continues to be fed exclusively by breastmilk but we will look to start solids within the next few weeks. 

Here are some recent photos:

Smiling at Theodore.

She loves her hands!

How cute is she?
Veronica in her Christmas dress which she wore for about 10 minutes.


  1. What a cutie. I found myself saying "yeah me too" a lot on your post. I also can't wait for spring and I also find myself thinking that I wish Cohen would quit growing so fast. Ironic since before all we wanted was for them to grow! I am just doing my best to cherish all the little moments :) Happy 5 months adjusted!

  2. She definitely doesn't look like a former micro-preemie; she's downright chubby. How adorable! I can't believe she weighs 16 pounds! We kept the twins in our room in their pack and play next to our bed until they were about 10 months old. I think I felt the same as you - I wanted them close to me since they spent so long in the NICU. We're looking forward to spring too!

  3. She looks so cute. So happy and chubby! We got ours out quick, but only cuz there's three :) Sofie is doing much better, what a scare! My phone wont let me blog but ill post soon, praying we go home tomorrow cuz its been hard on all of us. We all have to celebrate big when April comes!

  4. She is so cute! It's so fun to compare her and Pierce since they had the same due date and are only 6 days apart in real age. :) She's doing so well. Pierce has rolled a couple times from his belly to back and then stopped... it's like he's thinking, "Eh, did that. What's next?" Maybe it's a preemie thing? :)
